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What you will need to build a SmartCash


Polycarbonate sheet

All the different layers from SmartCash machine will be done using laser cut polycarbonate. Thickness 2 mm.

PLA filament

Some particular pieces harder to manufacture will be 3D printed using PLA plastic filament.

PVC tube

The storage for the coins will be some 32 mm diameter and 1,8 mm thick clear PVC tube.

Threaded rod

Overall the structure will  be held with some M6 galvanised steel threaded rod.

Tube profile

The before mentioned threaded rod will have an aluminium tube profile on the outside as spacers in between the layers. Diameter 8 mm.

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Arduino Mega

The brains of our machine will be the Arduino Mega, with enough capacity to process all the input data.

LCD screen

This component will let us communicate with the user by telling him what to do next.


In order for the user to "talk back" to the machine.  It is 4x4 buttton option.

IR sensors

This little sensors will do the job of counting new coins getting storaged.

Motor drivers

To be able to communicate to the motors through the Arduino, we use two different motor drviers the A4988 (Stepper) and MaX14870 (DC).

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NEMA 17 Stepper Motor

The stepper motor will hold the servo with the rack and pinion system and make them turn. It is needed precision.

HS-485HB Servo Motor

This servo is in charge of pushing the rack to make the coin fall. It is required to beat the elastic rubber force.

99:1 DC Gearmotor

The last and fundamental motor, the DC will provide the speed and force to turn the coin selector and entry layers.

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